

Quick Hits:

  • Based in NYC

  • Husband and father of two

  • Design major turned writer

  • Passionate about brand voice, good CX, and a beautiful blend of copy and design

Growing up, I always enjoyed two things: art and sports. I loved the process of creating something from nothing, and I loved being part of a team. As I got older, I was forced to figure out what to do with my life. The major leagues were out of the question, and I was no Modigliani, so I worked my way into a career in advertising, and I decided to become a writer. Along the way, I’ve learned a few valuable lessons that I take with me wherever I go.

Find the tension and the truth. That’s what makes a good idea. It’s what makes a good story. Tension creates drama and comedy, while the truth is often relatable and refreshing. It’s why underdog stories are so popular. It’s why Seinfeld made a career out of “Don’t you hate it when...”

The right words work. People often say that people don’t read. The truth is that they read when it benefits them. If it entertains or helps them, people love to read. In today’s digital world, the right words mean everything, and less is often more. If you keep it clear and keep it quick, the customer will love you for it.

And most importantly, be good. Be good to others and be good to yourself. Whether we’re making a print ad or a website, we never do it alone. Collaboration is key, and life’s too short to work with assholes.