Mercedes-AMG Website Redesign

The performance wing of Mercedes-Benz features some of the fastest, loudest cars in the world. With fresh branding and a new website, we crafted an experience worthy of the vehicles themselves.
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Awards: WebAwards Best in Show , DRUM DADI Best Website, Webbies Cars & Car Culture Finalist , Gold Stevie Award, Silver W3 Awards

Each AMG engine animates across the screen, so you can see (and hear) its unique personality.

Meanwhile, customers can explore every aspect of the vehicle, from transmissions to suspensions to steering and more – allowing them to see how it all works together.

The result? Creative that performs.

By shifting the brand perception, we saw a 23% jump in time-spent on the page and a 62% increase in leads, making North America the #1 AMG market in the world.